Top 3 Things I Discovered Last Year
Monday, 25 January 2016
2015 was a memorable year for me. As mentioned in “Why 2016 May be the Most Fascinating Year,” 2015 was a year of decisiveness, taking risks, (taking life by the horns), major self-discovery, self-honesty & self care. With that said there are 3 things that stick out to me when I reflect and set goals for
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Why 2016 May Be the Most Fascinating Year
Tuesday, 19 January 2016
What I have coming up this year is full of BIG THINGS! BIG GOALS! BIG PLANS! & BIG GROWTH! However, I have to honestly say going into 2015, I didn’t have as much clarity as I would’ve liked; one could say that my mind was so cluttered that I had no clarity. Despite that feeling,
- Published in HUMBLE THOUGHTS
5 Reasons Zoe Ever After is My New Obsession!
Sunday, 10 January 2016
I don’t watch much TV and certainly not in a timely fashion so I knew Zoe Ever After was a big deal when I made a point to watch it live. Anyone who knows me knows that I am one of her biggest fans (better referred to as “starz”), so of course I wouldn’t miss this premiere
Stressed? One Practical Thing That Will Change Your Life
Monday, 04 January 2016
How often do you purposely unplug? We often spend hours on end checking our Facebook timelines, twitter feeds and Instagram updates and before you know it 2 or more hours have passed. For me, I only really know that time has flown by when I realize that my battery is dying. At times, I literally
- Published in LATEST POSTS