It started with her simply complimenting me on how classy she thinks I am how great of a role model she believes that I am and can be for girls who have dreams and don’t realize that they’re possible.
Oprah Winfrey hits the nail on the head when she says, in many words that all people want is to be heard, validated, understood and as I simply put it, all people want to be seen.
“They want to know: ‘Do you see me? Do you hear me? Does what I say mean anything to you?’ “ ~Oprah Winfrey
At that moment and in others, such as my No More Chains Book Release Party on Tuesday November 29, 2016, I have felt more seen and understood than I have ever felt in my life. It’s rewarding and reminds me that my work is not in vein, my existence is not in vein and it confirms to me that I am on the right track.
You may be in a place where you feel like you’re unsure of what it is that you are called to do. You may not be sure if you’re on the right track or you may feel like you’re too tired to stay on the road you’re currently traveling. I’m here to remind you to keep following your gut. Keep listening to God as he guides you and just as I’ve been blessed, others will unexpectedly cross your path to remind you too that your work is not in vein, your existence is not in vein and it will confirm to you that you are on the right track. Just hold on.
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