You ever find yourself so moody and only come to realize that it’s because you’re hungry? I’d be lying if I said a lot of my moody tendencies don’t come from hunger. Just the other day I found myself feeling “off” and not myself. This feeling started a few days ago and I honestly haven’t kicked the feeling. It is an irritating feeling in my soul that just continues to pop up and lag around.
At first, I thought it was because I had been sick for a few days and had very limited human interaction outside of my bed and the four walls of my bedroom. Not to say, that it didn’t lend to the “off-feeling,” but I knew it had to be more than that and I knew that I needed some type of comforting. I thought I found relief in a bit of that comfort (though I still need that great hug) from a long awaited lunch that I was yearning to devour. It was a long morning and after missing breakfast, I felt that was the only thing that could resolve the feeling. I felt extremely satisfied physically, but I didn’t feel my mood shift as I expected it to.
Being a foodie, I often find myself in situations where my last resort for physical comfort comes from a delicious cupcake, sandwich, cheesy slice of pizza or any delectable craving that I am having at that moment, however, I feel like I’m not alone. Maybe it’ll subside soon. Maybe I’ll find a new outlet. I just hope that it comes soon. I can’t go on feeling this way forever…
Do you ever get in mood where you find that food is your best comforting option? Let me know what comforts you. Share your story. Vent a little!
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