Let’s talk about what this thing that I’m calling Hair Confidence really is.
I know I’ve been doing a lot of talk about Hair Confidence and pushing it on just about every social media post I’ve been putting up lately so I figured it was just about time for me to really explain what it is so there is little to no confusion…
I’ll start with what it is. Simply put, Hair Confidence is an extension of my Humble Sunshine motivational brand.
I get compliments and asked questions about my hair everywhere I go by so many different people so I figured it’s about time to launch a platform that I can use to share my love of my natural hair and to help others who are on their own natural hair journey, those who could use some tips, or those who may be considering the journey full time, develop that same confidence and unconditional love. I want this to be a community. One of love, pride, accountability and confidence building.
You may now be wondering who is Hair Confidence for? All naturals are welcome, but you may find me focusing a lot on my hair type which falls under the 4a,4b, and 4c hair type (It’s ok, if you don’t know what that means you can click HERE to get a bit more understanding. This article does a great job at breaking it down all in one place). It is just genuinely the type that I know best so if you have a very coarse texture or dense strands that seem to not retain moisture easily, you will see a lot dealing with that type. Hair Confidence is also for women of all ages. If you are a young girl or young woman who is discovering who you are as an individual and tired of following the trends and what society says beautiful and acceptable hair is, if you are a woman with a family who wants to be a good example of hair confidence for your current or unborn daughter(s), or if you are a bit of all of the above, this is for you.
Where can you join the movement and see all that Hair Confidence has to offer? You can become a part of Hair Confidence first by joining my Hair Confidence specific mailing list from the comforts of your home, wherever you are in the world. This will give you updates on talks, live streams, live events, and anything natural hair related that will be placed under the Hair Confidence umbrella.
I’m sure you have many why questions, such as Why I’m putting so much energy into this? and Why should you join? Well I genuinely I want all naturals to be comfortable and BOLD with their natural beauty, especially their wash & go styles. I highlight the “wash & go” often because it wasn’t until I was finally comfortable with my wash & go that I could tell I had reached a special level of confidence that I had never felt before. That was the sign that I knew I had hair confidence, but it didn’t happen over night. It took a journey that I had to embrace and I also had to be patient with the process to appreciate and accept it all. I want to take you on my journey and help you navigate through yours.
Now that you have a better understanding of what Hair Confidence is I want to finally explain how Hair Confidence will present itself. It is a movement that includes a global community for my fellow naturals to inspire & uplift them to love and appreciate their natural hair and to gain confidence from it that radiates from the inside out. I am sure there will be other platforms that I will utilize, but for right now I am looking forward to presenting Hair Confidence via other blog posts (for sure), videos (that give quick tips/how-to and talks), live stream videos, live events/workshops, and by presenting and sharing images of other natural hair styles (my own and others that I discover) and hair quotes that are sure to motivate you. Be sure to sign up to the Hair Confidence mailing list to stay posted on all of these things and more! SIGN UP to Join HERE
~Be Humble. Be Motivated. Be Inspired.~
*Be sure to follow Humble Sunshine online: Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | Pinterest | LinkedIn
You’re really beautiful and your content is inspiring. Thank you <3
Zo, Thank you so much for the lovely complement. I appreciate you! 🙂