Do you dream often? Do you have dreams that you remember… like that time you found yourself getting lost, being chased or meeting with your favorite celebrity? Do you ever wonder what the dream really meant?
I often find myself pondering about the deeper meanings of my dreams; although I usually skip dreamland altogether or end up quickly forgetting the details, minutes after waking up. I feel extremely lucky when I’m able to wake up and remember any detail so when I finally do recall details that stick, I take it as a sign that it’s something I’m meant to know and think deeper about. I’m sure I’m not the only one who has dreams that they just know have a deeper meaning than the obvious translations. For example, just because you dream of dying, it doesn’t mean that you are going to die, and because you dream of meeting a celebrity it can have a different meaning than you’d initially expect as well.
To my surprise I’ve been having a lot of these types of dreams lately. Some have stuck with me because they’re reoccurring, while others have just stuck with me super HARD because of what the dream entailed. It’s even gotten to the point where I’ve been able to recall details of these dreams hours and days later and they’ve left me thinking about what I need to do in my walking life.
One dream in particular has been a reoccurring dream that has been carrying on for years. I’ve had different variations of this dream, but the gist of is it that I have this baby that I have been neglecting. In one version of the dream back in December of 2017, I remember that I keep forgetting to feed the baby and then I ultimately lose her. She (I think it was a she) was finally growing and I lost her. I was heart broken. I can also recall a moment where I thought I heard the baby crying while I was doing other things, but when I went back to the last place I remember her being she was nowhere to be found. I searched on my bed, in my pile of stuffed bears and dolls, but still couldn’t find her! I really wanted to remember to feed and take care of her, but failed. Of the many similar dreams, I woke up this time devastated!
In another version of the same dream a couple months later, I had finally found my lost baby! I was relatively calm and felt prepared. I was arriving to work and somehow she appeared. (Needless to say I was at work, but late to my class that I was supposed to be teaching/assisting with). I felt calm because I was actually caring for her and I felt able to care for her. She seemed fine, but I knew that she hadn’t eaten/been fed so I looked all around for something (food, water, etc.). I finally found some water that once I started giving it to her, I could tell she was thirsty, the way she gulped it up, however, at the same time I was concerned about missing work, but I knew deep down inside that my baby was my priority. So I stayed.
There were more details that I remember and I’ve begun to decipher, but I think you get the point. By this last dream I think I’m finally getting to the point and lesson that I’m meant to learn. What I’ve come to realize and learn most from these dreams about “my baby that I’ve been neglecting and have lost” is that I’m being reminded to nurture and feed my babies. Now, I don’t decipher that the babies are literal (I am NOT pregnant), but I have a strong feeling of decrement that “my baby” is representative of my big goal that I’m meant to birth from the womb of my creativity.
Now I know some of you may be thinking that I’m being super deep and might be stretching in this thought, but I can’t say that I care. I know what I know; and with so much thought about harboring dreams and taking action, I know these dreams are a reflection of that. The lesson in it all is this: When God gives you an idea and a mission to complete on this journey called life (especially when you know it’s a part of your purpose), you should listen or He will get creative in getting your attention to focus on what’s important. By the grace of God, I’m listening and taking action.
Is there a dream that you’ve decoded to have a meaning deeper than the surface? When was the last time you recall God having to get creative to get your attention to get you back on track of keep you on track with your purpose? I want to hear your story! Feel free to share in the comments or send me a message HERE or here: Ta****@Hu************.com.
~Be Humble. Be Motivated. Be Inspired.~
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