Being a single woman more often than not on Valentine’s day my perspectives towards the man made holiday have evolved over the years. What started out as the dream of the perfect boyfriend/husband taking me out on a not so typical date where we dress up and eat great food or stay in and cook together while we shower each other with simple unique gifts and quality time, has turned into the patient wait game for my life partner. I figure that I can wait for him to find me worthy to treat me like the queen I am. Until then, Valentine’s day has turned into just another day for me. No need for flowers or candy from a guy that I barely even know, I figured I would rather wait for the real thing so it’s meaningful and special. With that said I have also found ways to maintain hope by being reminded of some key points. Read them below…
This Isn’t Forever | One thing that I try to remind myself of is that it won’t be like this forever. I’ve had more Valentine’s days without a significant other than I have with one, but it’s not a thought that leaves me all sad or salty. It only confirms to me that I would rather have love in its authentic, true, unconditional form than a facade or the visual appearance for social media for others. I try to focus on how great it will be when my life partner is showering me with love for 50+ years That’s more valuable than something temporary and untrue.
God Has a Plan | Every year I am reminded by the miracles and blessings in my life that God truly has the best plan for me! It helps me stay hopeful and remember than his plan is always better than my own. If we focus on the necessary things and remain patient he will gift us beyond our imagination. He has proven this time and time again by removing people from my life who don’t have the best intentions for me and allowing certain things (good, bad and indifferent) that allow me to learn lessons and put me in the right place at the right time in terms of personal relationships and career opportunities.
Spend Time on YOU | Spend more time loving & discovering YOU than the time you spend looking for another person to complete you. Don’t worry about being so perfect in all of the things you say or do! There is nothing more attractive or perfect than an authentic person, whether they have it all together or not. The person who you are meant to be with will be attracted to you whether you have it all figured out or not. When it’s time you both will know beyond a shadow of a doubt that a relationship is the right thing to pursue. Lastly, don’t be in such of a rush that you lose track of who you are and get so lost in someone else that you completely lose your own identity.
I hope these key points bless you and give you comfort in knowing that you are on the right track. Even if things seem like they are lacking hope in your life, you are exactly where you need to be and you are experiencing exactly what you must to be on track with God’s purpose and plan in your life. Stay lifted!