HOPE is something that has come up as a reaccuring theme and as I went to write this it continued to resonate with me greatly. This post is coming after my previous post Music Motivation: Never Have to Be Alone, as I was completing a short journey of hope restoration.
I didn’t know it at the time, but my journey began as I began Oprah & Deepak’s 21-Day Meditation Experience with the theme of “Hope During Uncertain Times” during the early days of April. During the same month I began thinking of Hope Restoration as I wrapped up the No More Chains Documentary Screening tour with my fellow authors in Suitland, MD, Manassas, VA and Virginia Beach, VA.
On the eve of Easter Sunday in Virginia Beach, as myself and a few of my fellow authors of the No More Chains book anthology completed our last stop for this first leg of our tour. By the end of the night, I found myself in my hotel room thinking about all of the support that we’ve received for this movement and all of the touching testimonies that were told as men and women gave feedback after the film in the past couple months. There were so many God driven words that genuinely touched my heart and spoke to my life. It made me start thinking of the mood that I was in only hours before.
I arrived to Norfolk, VA at around 10am in preparation to do some press for our movement in the Chesapeake area. While I sat in the radio interview I suddenly felt feelings of insecurity and not being sure if I belonged where I was in that moment. I was uncertain because for someone who is hardly ever at a loss for words, I didn’t feel like I had anything to contribute to the many side conversations. Being the youngest in the room didn’t help me feel confident in my words and my presence either. However, by the end of the night I acknowledged the thoughts and feelings I had been having and was able to get myself together in what I offer and realize as I had so many times before that I was created for this.
With all of the feelings of uncertainty and doubt that dwelled in my spirit, the idea of hope restoration is one of the few things that straightened me up and renewed my strength and confidence. During the process, I was also reminded that even those of us who are positive, uplifting and of light can and do struggle with being hopeful from time to time and in different seasons (especially in those seasons full of uncertainty). Not only did I feel like hope was lacking I felt a subtle sense of fear, which is something can can hold us back if forces are out of our control. I felt like I had no control so I resorted to something that usually helps me pull in the reigns, I prayed, meditated and got still.
As I continued to learn through my meditation experience, Deepak Chopra made a great point during his guided talks when he said that “Uncertainty is life’s constant stream of new events and challenges.” It also became clear that the uncertainty comes when self-doubt is formed, which comes from being disconnected from your true self because “when you doubt yourself you can’t trust anyone or anything,” also stated by Deepak. These were words that resonated with the very feelings that I had been struggling with and things to consider when you’re going through a journey (short or long) to restoring your own faith to renew your mind, body and spirit.
Have you had a similar situation happen in your life? Wanna talk about it? Share with me a time when you had to battle to restore your faith or hope and ways you coped. You never know how hope will present itself to offer you healing and you never know who you may be helping as well.
~Be Humble. Be Motivated. Be Inspired.~
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