We all want to live happy lives and a big part of happiness is feeling at peace within. It really is that simple of a concept. However, I would never tell you that it was an easy process, nor would I tell you that I feel at 100% perfect peace at all times. Life happens, we are constantly evolving and if you are someone who fears change or you’re holding yourself back from making necessary changes to get to a better state of peace I want to be clear about a couple things then give you 3 answers to why you may be lacking peace in your life.
First, you are not alone. Second, you are worthy of peace and change despite how much you may feel you aren’t. You have a purpose to fulfill and if God was done with you, you wouldn’t be here reading this post. Third, you may feel stuck, like I was a couple years ago. You may not know why you feel so out of whack, like there is a constant battle going on inside of you. So, with that said, I’m gonna share the top 3 things that I’ve found are reasons why you may be lacking peace in your life.
1 | You’re unclear about your purpose– The first step to discovering your purpose is knowing who you are. Before I discovered my purpose, about a year ago I didn’t have as strong of a hold on it as I do now. For years I had been consistently frustrated, angry, confused and all over the place in many areas of my life. I even found it difficult to plan what my life looked like. What I’ve since discovered is that it’s almost impossible to enact a sound plan for your life if you’re unclear about your purpose. When you know your purpose you are able to discover peace and live your best life through your best self. And when you’re able to create a plan you feel more comfort in knowing what direction you’re going. Your purpose helps establish the GPS for your life.
Thank GOD, I was able to get still, and allow myself to go to the deepest place inside of myself to hear that God wanted me to help mentor women and girls and that I needed to take action now. But I had to decide that I wanted peace and that I wanted to change lives to help others manifest that peace, more than I was willing to settle any longer.
2 | You’re Afraid of Change– Your inability to change will keep you frozen in time. It blocks/keeps you from making moves and progressing. A lot of the fear is rooted deep within you and can often lead to negative/pessimistic what if’s. These lead to you to manifesting doubt and fueling your fears, which will ultimately hold you back. For example, there are people who are too afraid to change something as simple as the brand of toothpaste they use. So it’s certainly a challenge for a lot of people.
3 | You’re Afraid to let go of control And LET GOD have HIS way in your life. Quit fighting it. Begin to truly trust. Don’t just settle with understanding what you should do. We can do that all day. The truth of the matter is, until you take action and start implementing change and living it, they remain simply, words. Live your words, don’t just speak them. When they morph into consistent action and you’re able to acknowledge when you’ve come on a difficult moment, they then become a lifestyle.
*Be sure to follow Humble Sunshine online: Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | Pinterest | LinkedIn
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Is there any of the moderators, because I can not answer a new topic?
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